Paddles Up! Fund A Need — Fighting the STD Epidemic with Education, Testing and Treatment

• Sexually transmitted disease infections that can lead to infertility, cancer, HIV infection and death are skyrocketing across the state of California,
including Napa County.

• The STD epidemic is hitting the most vulnerable populations the hardest and disparately affecting the health of young women, individuals of color and

Last year in Napa County, Planned Parenthood Shasta Pacific increased STD testing by 24%. Across all health centers, we provided almost 159,000 Chlamydia and
Gonorrhea tests, 6,188 syphilis tests and over 42,500 HIV/AIDS tests. As part of Planned Parenthood’s preventive measures, our health educators provided over 2,000
education opportunities in Napa county reaching over 46,000 individuals.

Your generous donation will allow Planned Parenthood to continue its efforts to combat this public health crisis. Funds raised will directly support
comprehensive sex education and link individuals to clinical services that provide STD testing and treatment.
